Thursday, September 15, 2005

June's off in BKK again, some family time and annual shopping pilgrimage. Left to my own devices for the weekend, though she left me with lots of provisions to keep myself contented and occupied.

But training goes on as usual. This time at the new alley at Marina Square. Primitive scoring interface, but authentic wooden lanes. Pins don't fly well. There are occasions where pins skim across the surface of the target area and still remain upright. Frustrating, that.

And our neighbours on our left were a bunch of good 'ol boys presumably out on a company function or something. Noisy and with very little bowling etiquette. They take a long time to line up for a roll, chatting while they aim. Occasionally they will decide not to roll after all so back they go to continue that thread of gossip they had left off. Irritating, but they were out to have a good time, so whateverrr.

Yee's getting better with his new ball and is now striking more often, I still have problems with consistency. Boo hoo.

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