Friday, June 13, 2008

One thousand dollars buys the Option to Purchase (OTP) a resale flat. We met the seller with our agent, and with a few signatures and a cheque of exactly that amount we have bought ourselves 14 days to secure a bank loan to finance our latest purchase. It's pretty much certain that we're moving out within the year.

I dread the idea of packing up all the stuff we've accumulated since we turned our once pristine, empty apartment into the home I've grown so comfortable in. Today, there's junk everywhere -- it's like a rat's nest, padded all over with debris and detritus that gives a place that "lived-in" look.

But because we have to sell off our current place, we're facing quite the daunting task of bringing sterile order back into the chaos we've allowed our place to settle into. And this has to be done quickly before we start inviting prospective buyers in to appraise our humble abode. No one's gonna be tempted to buy a pig-sty.

Oh well, guess how I'll be occupied this weekend?

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