Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Thinking like a machine

"By forgoing an initial singular formula and using relational structures that recognize the rows, columns and diagonals of a boardgame, and making use of several different logic systems — including pure first-order, existential and guarded — a tailored formula could be devised from the data gathered from each logic. An added General Game Playing program helped the system learn how to play tactically, learn legal moves and, ultimately, win." excerpt from Computer Watches Humans Play Connect Four, Then Beats Them

I recognize this strategy. I use a very similar strategy to approach GP, especially for the essay Paper 1. It could also perhaps answer why I am having such a hard time convincing the kids to think like I do: I didn't realize it before, but it seems like this is how machines think and not human beings.

At least I know that what I took to be natural intuition can actually be a structured process. It's almost damn near impossible to teach people to be intuitive, but perhaps they'll be more open if they can see it as a process instead. *shoehorns it down kids' throats...

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