Friday, July 07, 2023

Chibimetal debut teased in METALVERSE#1 trailer?

We have dates for a new reveal of something mysterious happening in BABYMETAL lore. An alternate universe version of BABYMETAL? At the launch of BABYMETAL's 2023 World Tour, a new trio of youngsters introduced as 'Chibimetal' performed alongside our known METAL ladies in their 'live' performances of (as far as I have discovered) 'Karate' and 'Doki Doki Morning'.

Comprising SG alumna (of course!), Chibimetal shadowed their older counterparts perfectly, move for move, note for note. But the Chibis are thankfully not exact carbon copies of their mentors(?). Chibi attire features a similar cut, but a starkly different colour scheme; and there's a noticeable height inversion in that both supporting dance-vocalists are taller than the lead.

Which brings us to this trailer that dropped just hours ago. Apparently, Chibimetal's development is more advanced than I expected, if they're ready to reveal something major in just under two months. There's speculation that this new group could be a cover band for BABYMETAL's earlier songs, which SU, MOA, and MOMO may have outgrown. But I really hope that we'll be getting some fresh, new music coming from the newly 'discovered' METALVERSE invasion that would be worthy of introducing a new kawaii metal band to our universe.

What will actually be revealed at Spotify O-East (a 'live' concert venue in Shibuya, Tokyo) is anyone's guess at this moment. We wait with bated breath...!

Edit: I'm speculating, wishful thinking really, that since SG ceased operations in 2021, could the management have been taking these last two years to retrain and re-brand the former girl idol band in the direction that its most successful spinoff unit had taken? Could SG have gone completely metal with its different sub-units to create many different varieties of new metal variants, hence the apparent multi-dimensionality of the Metalverse? Metaru-Sakura Gakuin sounds absolutely nutty, but this think-tank has made weird things work before. One can only hope.

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