Monday, November 20, 2023

Ooh, shiny!


Not often I get decked out all formal-like, but today's ceremony required it. I was among hundreds of my industry peers receiving a state award, many of whom were recognized for their meritorious service during the pandemic years. For me, my award was for sticking around at my job, and not racking up too many complaints over two decades and a half.

Held at Resorts World Convention Centre Ballroom, the ceremony was dignified, and by-the-numbers efficient. No flowery speeches, we immediately launched in with calling each recipient's name to step up on stage, shake a hand, receive their award, and pose for a shot for posterity. Next, and so on. Simple, perfunctory, and really no time wasted. Extremely appreciative of that as there's still much work to be done, and not enough time to do it all in. Still, it's nice to take some time off to feel appreciated.

When I got back, the sky was overcast. Dark, grey clouds overhead wringing out a moderate shower. But for a few minutes, they whole sky was lit in a pleasant pastel shade of gold I've not seen before. The camera couldn't capture the exact atmosphere, and I don't have the photographic skill to show you what I saw. Something like that, but way more breathtaking. It didn't last, fading as the sun set, but it left an impression. From where I am now, a quarter-century has felt as brief.

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