Sunday, June 23, 2024

iPie by Apple

Behold the most expensive McDonald's Apple Pie ever purchased via Grab Food app. It cost a grand total of SGD$16.10, including a $1 tip for the delivery person. What? It wasn't their fault, and they did make the trip down on time.

I ordered an Extra Value Meal and added the apple pie for dessert. The app processed the dessert order, but somehow the EVM order never made it. So: $1.90 (pie) + $10.10 (small order fee) + $3.10 (service fees) + $1 (tip) = $16.10.

Not complaining about McD's or Grab. I'm recording my own dumbness for not checking the order before confirming it. And hopefully, I won't do it again.

I hereby dub this dessert the McDonald's iPie by Apple just to make myself feel better about the needless expense.

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