Monday, September 02, 2024

Unboxing in the morning

My poor old PC has been struggling to deliver performance on the stuff I'm currently playing, and there's no way it'll cope with the new stuff coming up. He'll serve as my browsing and work desktop, but it's finally time to upgrade.

After holding off a little over 7 years, I finally decide it's time to get a new PC. I pretty much fell for the aggressive marketing that Aftershock PC puts out on social media. The timing was perfect, stars aligning along the return on an investment I made, and COMEX 2024 -- the time of year everyone who's selling IT stuff slashes prices like it's Black Friday. I shelled out for an AMD 5700 rig, with RTX 4070 graphics, upgraded to 32 Gb RAM, and 64-bit Windows 11. 

Aftershock wasn't kidding about next office day delivery. It's here, in a box, in my study, waiting to be installed. Thing is, although it arrived at about 8pm today (within 24 hours!), I wasn't ready for it to be delivered so soon. It stays in the box for tonight while I mentally prepare to roll up my sleeves for the grand installation come morning..

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