Saturday, June 17, 2023

Mesmerizing masterpiece

Iine was fan service, reassuring us that the band they used to be over 10 years ago is still more or less the band performing for us today, although MOMO has since officially replaced* YUI. The remaining songs in this KL set list feature their more grown up aesthetic, starting with 'Shanti Shanti Shanti' in which BABYMETAL goes Bollywood.

Right from the beginning, the melody and rhythm are identifiable as classical Indian. SU's vocals kick in, singing of love (or the feeling of being in love?) from the perspective of concepts from Hindu philosophy, according to these translated lyrics. The way SU vocalizes certain inflections without breaking into an accent suggests she's had some training in this type of traditional singing as well.

The dance is also inspired from classical Indian dance, and perhaps more than inspired, they have probably received some very professional training in executing the movements just right. Just look at the fine detail, like finger placement to make specific hand shapes, and the intricate footwork. It takes a lot of study and practice to get that confident and precise. Still, I've watched clips of these girls at dance practice, and they learn incredibly fast, like music is hard-coded in their DNA.

This performance isn't just a tip of the hat to Indian culture. It shows a deep appreciation for a culture they took effort to understand, and repay with a tribute of a respectful, beautiful piece of art done in their own unique style. And a mesmerizing masterpiece it is too.

*Disclaimer: That's not MOMO in the video, though. YUI had a rotation of replacements before one was finally made permanent.

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